FREE Google Ads [Lead Gen] Notion Checklist

Supercharge your lead generation efforts with our 50+ point checklist, say goodbye to wasted ad spend and hello to more conversions!

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What's included

Our checklist serves as your comprehensive guide, brimming with proven strategies and customisable methods designed for various business needs.

Comprehensive Guidance

Navigate the complexities of Google Ads with ease, as our checklist provides a step-by-step guide to ensure successful ad campaigns.

Proven Strategies

Uncover the power of strategies that have proven successful in real-world scenarios, helping you optimise your campaigns and maximise return on investment.

Customisable Approach

Our checklist is not a one-size-fits-all solution but an adaptable tool, allowing you to tailor your Google Ads approach to your unique business needs and objectives.


Who is this checklist designed for?

This checklist is suitable for all, whether you're a beginner or seasoned marketer looking to refine your Google Ads strategy.

Is this checklist updated with the latest Google Ads updates?

Yes, our checklist stays abreast of the latest Google Ads updates and trends to provide you with the most accurate and efficient strategies.

How can this checklist help me improve my ROI?

By offering a comprehensive guide of proven strategies, this checklist will help you optimize your ad campaigns, enhance click-through rates, and thus, improve your ROI.

How does the Google ad auction work?

The Google ad auction process is a critical component of any Google Ads campaign. It determines how often and where your ads appear in Google Search results. When a user performs a search, Google Ads executes an auction to decide which ads to display, based on factors like ad relevance and bid amount. For your ad to participate in this auction, you need to set up a campaign and ad group within your Google Ads account. The auction evaluates your ad copy, keyword list, and the bid you've set for your campaign. If your ad is deemed relevant and your bid is competitive, users will see your ad on Google Search, increasing the likelihood they will click on your ad.

How long does it take for Google Ads to work?

The timeline for Google Ads to start delivering results can vary based on several factors. Once you set up your first campaign and use Google Ads, it may take some time for the platform to optimize ad delivery. Typically, it can take a few days to a few weeks for Google Ads to gather enough data from user interactions (like when they click your ad) to refine its targeting and performance. During this period, it's crucial to monitor the campaign's performance using Google Analytics and make adjustments as needed. Consistent optimization of your ad copy, budget, and keyword list is key to reducing the time it takes for your campaign to start driving significant results.

What is involved in Google Ads optimization?

Google Ads optimization involves a series of strategic actions to enhance the performance of your ad campaign. It starts with a thorough audit of your Google Ads account to identify areas for improvement. Key aspects include refining your ad group structures, fine-tuning your keyword list, and crafting compelling ad copy that resonates with your target audience. Monitoring and adjusting your campaigns based on the data from Google Analytics is also crucial. You need to set an appropriate budget and choose different campaign types to suit your objectives. Using Google Ads allows you to analyze user interactions, like when they see your ad or click on your ad, to optimize your campaign's reach and effectiveness. Regularly updating your Google Ads checklist and applying the latest best practices will ensure ongoing improvement and success of your campaigns.

What are the best practices for structuring ad groups within a Google Ads campaign?

To effectively set up Google Ads, it's crucial to organize your ad groups around specific themes or products. This helps keep your ads relevant and improves your Google Quality Score. When creating a Google Ads campaign, consider writing unique ads for each ad group and setting your keyword match types to align with user intent. This means carefully choosing keywords people type into Google Search that will trigger your ads to appear. Integrating Google Ads and Analytics lets you keep an eye on which ads and keywords are bringing in the best results, allowing for continual optimization within your Google Ads account.

What role does ad copy play in the success of a Google Ads campaign?

Writing compelling ad copy is a cornerstone of running successful Google Ads. Your ad copy should clearly communicate the value proposition of your product or service and include a strong call to action. Using a responsive search ad format allows you to test different headlines and descriptions to see what resonates best with your audience. Remember, the goal is to make your ads as relevant as possible to the people who see them. Consider showing your ads only on devices where they perform best, like mobile devices, to maximize impact. Refer to the Google Ads Optimization Checklist for tips on writing effective ad copy.

How can Google Analytics be used to improve Google Ads performance?

Google Analytics is a free tool that provides invaluable insights into how people interact with your ads and website. By integrating Google Ads and Analytics, you can track not just clicks on your ads but also what users do after they reach your site. This data helps in understanding which ads and keywords are most effective, allowing you to optimize your campaigns accordingly. Use Google Analytics to monitor offline conversions from your Google Ads and adjust your strategy to focus on what’s working. Keeping a close eye on these metrics is essential for comprehensive Google Ads optimization.

What strategies should I consider when setting my budget for a Google Ads campaign?

When you set up your Google Ads, setting different campaign budgets based on performance and goals is a smart strategy. If you’re still researching if Google Ads is right for your business, start with a modest budget to test the waters. Google Ads allows you to set up different budgets for each campaign within the same Google Ads account, giving you flexibility to allocate more funds to high-performing campaigns. Refer to the Google Ads help guide for advice on budget setting. Also, consider your Google My Business listing and Google Maps listing, as these can influence your overall online presence and the effectiveness of your Google Ads.

What strategies should I use to target mobile users effectively with my Google Ads campaigns?

When running Google Ads, especially if you’re targeting mobile users, it's crucial to optimize your campaigns for mobile devices. This can include using a mobile-specific ad format or setting in Google Ads that lets your ads show up predominantly on mobile devices. Ensure that your ads and landing pages are mobile-friendly, with concise, compelling ad copy and easy navigation. You might also want to set different campaign budgets or bids for mobile users to maximize visibility and effectiveness. Google Ads provides insights into how people interact with your ads on mobile, so monitor these metrics within your Google Ads account to continuously refine your approach. Refer to the Google Ads checklist for a step-by-step look at mobile targeting.

How do I measure the success of my Google Ads campaigns using Google Analytics?

Measuring the success of your Google Ads campaigns is crucial, and Google Analytics is a powerful tool for this purpose. By linking your Google Ads and Analytics accounts, you can track not only when people click on your ads but also their subsequent actions on your website. Key metrics to monitor include conversion rates, bounce rates, and time spent on site. Google Analytics can tell you which keywords and ads are driving the most valuable traffic, helping you optimize your campaigns for better results. Use the insights available in Google Analytics to set goals for your Google Ads campaigns and adjust your strategies accordingly. For a comprehensive understanding, refer to the advice available in the Google Ads help guide.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when you set up Google Ads?

When setting up your first Google Ads campaign, there are several common pitfalls to avoid. Firstly, not defining clear goals for your campaign can lead to unfocused efforts. Aim to have one primary goal per Google Ads campaign. Overlooking the importance of keyword research and selection is another mistake; ensure that Google triggers your keywords appropriately by matching them with your target audience's search intent. Also, avoid setting inappropriate budgets – either too high or too low – for your campaigns. It’s important to balance your spend with expected returns. Finally, neglecting the use of features like remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) can mean missing out on potential conversions. Always refer to a Google Ads checklist or setup guide to ensure you're covering all bases for a successful campaign.