Keyword match types for PPC campaigns

December 16, 2023

PPC advertising is a powerful way to get your brand message in front of potential customers. However, it's important to ensure your ads show up to the right people at the right time to maximize their effectiveness. That's where keyword match types come in.

When using PPC advertising, selecting the right match type for your keywords can make all the difference in your campaign's success. Keywords with different match types will trigger your ads to appear in different search results, resulting in varied levels of engagement.

In this article, we will explore different match types and discuss how each can be used strategically to optimize your ad performance and drive better results in Google Ads.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right keyword match type is crucial to the performance of your PPC campaigns.
  • Understanding the different match types, including broad match, phrase match, and exact match, is key to successful PPC targeting.
  • Optimizing your keyword targeting with the right match types can lead to higher click-through rates and increased conversions.
  • Using different match types in Google Ads requires careful consideration and planning.
  • Ultimately, the right match type for your PPC campaign will depend on your business goals and target audience.

What Are Keyword Match Types?

Keyword match types are a crucial component of paid advertising campaigns. They determine how closely your ads match a user's search query, and can have a significant impact on the targeting and reach of your PPC ads.

Understanding match types in paid advertising is essential for optimizing ad performance and driving better results in Google Ads. Essentially, keyword match types allow you to tell Google Ads how broadly or narrowly to match your keywords to users' search queries.

There are three primary keyword match types to consider:

  1. Broad match
  2. Phrase match
  3. Exact match

Each of these match types has unique benefits and drawbacks, and understanding them is key to achieving success in your PPC campaigns. In the next sections, we will explore each of these match types in more detail and help you determine which one is right for your business needs.

Broad Match Keywords

Broad match keywords are an important match type to consider when running PPC campaigns. They allow you to reach a wider audience and potentially increase clicks and conversions. With broad match, your ads may be triggered by search queries that include any word in your keyword or related variations, which can be useful in capturing relevant traffic you may not have considered.

However, there are some drawbacks to using broad match keywords. Since they are so broad, your ad may be displayed for irrelevant search queries, leading to wasted ad spend. It is important to monitor your campaigns closely and regularly review search terms reports to identify negative keywords that can be added to your campaign.

To effectively target a wider audience with broad match keywords, consider using negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches and test various ad variations to determine which ads drive the most conversions.

Overall, broad match keywords can be a valuable asset in your PPC strategy, but it is important to use them carefully and strategically to get the most out of your campaigns.

Phrase Match Keywords

Phrase match keywords are a type of keyword match type in PPC campaigns that allow you to target search terms that include a specific phrase. This means that your ad will only appear when a user enters a search query that includes your targeted phrase, regardless of the order of the words in the search query.

The advantage of using phrase match keywords is that they allow you to attract more relevant clicks and increase your conversion rates. By using specific phrases, you can target users who are further along in the buying cycle and have a higher likelihood of converting.

For example, if you are running a PPC campaign for a pizza delivery service, a phrase match keyword would be "pizza delivery". Your ad would appear when a user searches for "fast pizza delivery" or "pizza delivery near me", but not when a user searches for "pizza recipes" or "delivery companies".

To use phrase match keywords effectively, it is important to choose the right phrases that accurately describe your products or services. You can also use negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches and ensure that your ads are only shown to users who are more likely to convert.

In conclusion, phrase match keywords are an important match type in PPC campaigns that can help you attract more relevant clicks and increase your conversion rates. By using targeted phrases, you can improve the performance of your ads and achieve better results in your keyword targeting in PPC efforts.

Exact Match Keywords

When it comes to keyword targeting in PPC, exact match keywords offer significant benefits for optimizing your ad performance and driving better results. An exact match keyword is a specific term or phrase that matches a user’s search query precisely.

By using exact match keywords, you can reach highly specific and targeted audiences searching for precisely what you’re offering. This not only increases the relevance of your ads but also helps to improve your click-through rates and conversion rates, resulting in maximum ROI.

When selecting optimal match types for PPC campaigns, it's important to use exact match strategically. Rather than relying solely on broad or phrase match, you can combine all three types depending on your campaign goals and the keywords you're targeting.

By using exact match in conjunction with broader match types, you can fine-tune your targeting and increase the accuracy of your ads while still maintaining broader visibility. Additionally, setting up negative keywords can help you avoid irrelevant searches, further boosting your ad relevance and performance.

In conclusion, using exact match keywords in your PPC campaigns is a powerful way to reach specific audiences and achieve maximum ROI. By using a balanced combination of match types and negative keywords, you can optimize your targeting and improve the performance of your ads.

Using Match Types in Google Ads

If you want to maximize the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns, it's crucial to have a good understanding of the different match types available. By choosing the right match types, you can better control the reach of your ads and ensure you're targeting the right audience for optimal results.

Broad Match

Broad match keywords can help you reach a wider audience, but it's important to be cautious as they can also result in irrelevant clicks. To minimize this risk, consider using negative keywords and closely monitoring your ad performance.

Phrase Match

Phrase match allows you to target a more specific audience, while still allowing for some flexibility in the search query. This can help to attract more relevant clicks and boost conversion rates.

Exact Match

Exact match keywords offer the highest level of control over your targeting, allowing you to reach only the most relevant audience. However, they can also limit the reach of your ads, so it's important to weigh the benefits against the potential tradeoffs.

When selecting your match types, consider the goals of your campaign and the level of control you need over your targeting. Testing different match types can also help you determine what is most effective for your business.

Remember to regularly monitor and adjust your ad performance to optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

Effective Keyword Targeting in PPC

Optimizing your keyword targeting strategy is critical for achieving better results and higher click-through rates in your PPC campaigns. Using match types in Google Ads is one way to refine your targeting and attract the right audience. To ensure success, consider the following tips:

1. Research and Understand User Intent

Understanding user intent is crucial to selecting the right keywords for your PPC campaigns. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to research relevant keywords and phrases based on user intent and search volume.

2. Choose the Right Match Types

Selecting the right match types, such as broad match, phrase match and exact match, can help you attract the right audience and improve your ad relevance. Consider the pros and cons of each match type and use them strategically in your campaigns.

3. Incorporate Negative Keywords

Including negative keywords in your campaigns can help you avoid irrelevant searches and clicks, thereby improving your ROI. Use tools like Google's Ad Preview and Diagnosis to identify relevant negative keywords for your campaigns.

4. Use Ad Extensions

Ad extensions help you include more information about your business and improve the visibility and click-through rates of your ads. Utilise extensions that are relevant to your business, such as call extensions, site links and location extensions.

By implementing these strategies, you can drive better results and achieve higher click-through rates in your PPC campaigns.

Tips for Optimizing Your Match Types in PPC Campaigns

When running PPC campaigns, selecting the right match types is crucial to ensuring optimal ad visibility, driving quality traffic, and increasing conversions. Here are some valuable tips and strategies to help you select the optimal match types for your PPC campaigns:

1. Understand Your Business Goals

Before selecting a match type, it's essential to understand your business goals. Think about what you want to achieve with your PPC campaigns. For example, are you looking to drive more traffic to your website, improve brand awareness, or boost sales? This will help you select the most appropriate match type.

2. Use Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are search terms that you exclude from your PPC campaigns. They help you refine the targeting of your ads and ensure that they're only displayed to highly relevant audiences. Make use of negative keywords in your campaigns to improve their targeting and prevent irrelevant clicks.

3. Test Different Match Types

Don't be afraid to test different match types to see which ones perform best for your PPC campaigns. Experiment with broad, phrase, and exact match types to see which ones deliver the best results. Keep track of your performance metrics to identify which match types generate the most clicks and conversions.

4. Regularly Review Your Campaigns

Regularly reviewing your PPC campaigns is crucial to maintaining their effectiveness. Keep an eye on the performance of each match type and adjust your targeting strategies accordingly. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and keyword research to ensure that your campaigns remain relevant and effective.

By following these tips and leveraging the optimal match types in your PPC campaigns, you can drive better results, attract quality traffic, and achieve your business goals.


Using the right keyword match types is crucial for the success of your PPC campaigns. By understanding the differences between broad match, phrase match, and exact match keywords, you can target the right audience and achieve higher click-through rates and conversions.

Remember to implement match types strategically in your Google Ads campaigns to improve ad relevance and performance. Optimize your keyword targeting by selecting the optimal match types and leveraging effective techniques for attracting the right audience.

Now that you know the importance and benefits of using keyword match types in PPC campaigns, it's time to put this knowledge into action. By following the best practices and tips we shared in this article, you can drive better results and succeed in your paid advertising efforts.

Thank you for reading this guide on keyword match types for PPC campaigns be sure to check out or keyword match type tool and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors!


What are keyword match types?

Keyword match types refer to the parameters set for targeting specific search terms in PPC campaigns. They determine how closely a user's search query must match the advertiser's chosen keywords for the ad to be shown. This helps advertisers control the reach and relevance of their ads.

What is broad match keywords?

Broad match keywords are a match type in PPC advertising where ads are shown for search queries that include any words in the keyword, in any order, as well as relevant variations. Using broad match allows for a wider reach but may result in displaying ads to less relevant audiences.

What are phrase match keywords?

Phrase match keywords are a match type in PPC advertising that shows ads for search queries that include the keyword in the same order or close variations with additional words before or after the keyword. This provides a more specific targeting approach than broad match, helping to reach a more relevant audience.

What are exact match keywords?

Exact match keywords are a match type in PPC advertising that shows ads only for search queries that exactly match the keyword or close variations. This match type offers the most precise targeting, ensuring ads are shown to highly specific and relevant audiences.

How can I use match types in Google Ads?

To use match types in Google Ads, you can select your desired match type when adding keywords to your campaign or ad group. Google Ads offers four match types: broad match, broad match modifier, phrase match, and exact match. Each match type has its own syntax and rules for targeting.

How can I effectively target keywords in PPC?

To effectively target keywords in PPC campaigns, it's essential to conduct thorough keyword research, understand your target audience, and choose the right match types. By analyzing search volumes, competition, and user intent, you can optimize your keyword targeting to reach the most relevant and valuable audience.

What are some tips for optimal match types in PPC?

To select optimal match types in PPC campaigns, consider starting with a combination of broad match and phrase match keywords to cast a wider net while maintaining relevance. Monitor the performance of your ads regularly and make data-driven adjustments based on click-through rates, conversions, and return on investment (ROI).

What is the importance of using keyword match types in PPC campaigns?

Utilizing keyword match types in PPC campaigns is crucial for targeting the right audience, improving ad relevance, and maximizing ROI. By selecting the appropriate match types, advertisers can refine their targeting, attract highly qualified traffic, and increase the chances of converting clicks into valuable leads or sales.